Your Agent May Only Be After Your Money

Real Estate Agent

Is your agent trustworthy, reliable, and serviceable? Or he is only after your cash, not to necessarily do you service? Such an agent might even disappear after closing this deal and siphoning enough from you.

Some agents are excessively greedy: 

when an agent is after your money, they act in greed. They up prices quoted by homeowners or sellers by a huge figure, and, still demand fees from their clients, besides commissions apportioned them by homeowners.

Some agents don’t speak the truth

they are not frank and open to their clients. They do anything to keep you around until they get your money—including lie! They think saying no is a sign of weakness or incompetence, so even when they don’t have what their client requires, they still insist they do. In the long run, they waste your time and leave you frustrated and exhausted.

Some agents don’t do their homework well

They don’t build strong alliances and connections to make them effective at their work. They often lack knowledge of the neighbourhoods, or are not abreast with market conditions pertaining to your location. This is a sign of lack of commitment to their job, and a further indication that all they really want is to empty their client’s purse.

Sometimes, you don’t even find them again after the deal is closed! If they manage to get a deal, they don’t stay around to aid in paper/legal work that actually completes the deal. But a good and reliable agent should be available to even mediate between tenants and landlords, and resolve minor disputes between and amongst tenants and landlords. While an agent should not meddle in the private affairs of a tenant or client, he should endeavour to keep the relationship through a phone call, text message, or email once in a blue moon.

Your agent must give you support

 a piece of advice on market conditions, prices, payment options or legal requirements, as well as offering his company and standing with you through registration and documentation processes or any such assistance as you need from your agent should be available.

Well, there are great agencies that understand what the job of an estate agency entails. Click to find agencies who don’t charge you any fees for their services to you, but rather offer you whooping discounts on all purchases you make besides convenient services!

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