Understanding True Prayer and Guarding Against Deception

Beloved friends, today I come to speak on an issue that is becoming more pressing with each passing day: the true meaning of prayer and the deception creeping into places we should feel safest.

Prayer is not about shouting at the top of your voice. It is not measured by how loud you can scream or how much noise you can make in the name of spirituality. Sometimes, the most powerful prayers are the quiet whispers of a sincere heart, offered in stillness, when no one else is watching.

Prayer is not about making unnecessary sounds in the name of speaking in tongues. Yes, speaking in tongues is real, but it has been hijacked by some to distract and confuse. Some now turn prayer into a performance, making dramatic and unintelligible noises that impress no one but themselves, all in the name of appearing “spiritual.” True prayer does not need theatrics; it needs sincerity. Let us not confuse genuine spiritual language with what we sometimes see today.

Prayer is not about vocabulary. It doesn’t require you to be a scholar or an expert in eloquence. You don’t need the finest words or the most educated language to reach God. God is not moved by the complexity of our sentences but by the simplicity and humility of our hearts. Even the groans and sighs of a struggling soul can be more powerful than the speeches of those who think they know it all.

My people, stop allowing yourselves to be tricked by confidence tricksters who call themselves “men of God.” Many of these people are not leading flocks to the gates of heaven; they are building empires here on earth, for themselves and their families. They have turned their so-called ministries into network businesses disguised as churches, where the faithful are nothing but tools for their personal gain.

Be vigilant! They will use all kinds of tricks – panic, fear, and intimidation – to manipulate and steal from you. They create false doctrines that glorify wealth at the expense of your salvation. They convince you that the only way to be blessed is to give more money, more time, and more loyalty to them. And while you struggle to make ends meet, they are building their mansions, buying their luxury cars, and living in splendor. But I ask you, have you ever seen any of them will their properties to God or Jesus? No. Their vast wealth remains for their families, not for the Kingdom they claim to serve.

We must open our eyes, beloved. Do not be blinded by their flashy sermons or charismatic presence. Instead, seek the truth in humility. The Kingdom of God is built on love, service, and selflessness – not on luxury and greed.

Let the wise among us say Amen and share this truth with others. Let us return to the true essence of prayer, faith, and worship – the kind that does not seek to elevate one man above the rest, but instead draws us all closer to God in spirit and in truth.

Thank you, and may the peace of the Lord be with us all.

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