TOP Trending Products to Sell Online in Ghana from 2024 to 2025

The dream of a successful e-commerce business begins with having the best products to sell, the ability to effectively market these products, and the dedication to see your goals become a reality. It’s important to have a clear vision of your inventory even before you commence.

There are several factors to consider when stocking your online store with quality products that are worth investing in, , particularly with regards to what your customers are looking for. For the most part, the top selling products online are usually eye-catching, unique, functional and available at a competitive price. This combination of traits make highly marketable products and serve as the basis for becoming best selling products on Amazon Ghana or other major e-commerce sites.

With all this in mind, a little help from our compiled list of 15 best selling products online in 2020 can help you narrow down the right items for your e-commerce initiative. Each one of the items listed below has been statistically proven to be one of the most trending online products of 2024 so far. These may either be most demanded products in Ghana that can be added to your existing store, or they may be something that could open new business ideas for your online platform.

Beauty Products

As a primary market for the skincare industry, India has always maintained a healthy demand for beauty products, even more so in 2024. With a greater awareness over their skincare choices, Indian consumers are now more inclined towards choosing organic and natural products over others– thus opening up more scope for sellers to meet these trends.


One of the most versatile areas for e-commerce to leverage, shapewear has proven to be consistently popular on online trending platforms, with the prospect of this particular market expected to skyrocket even more in the future. Shapewear demand lies in its versatility for retailers, as it can be sold as lingerie, women’s fashion or as an added category to existing general apparel. A variety of styles, sizes, and colours to meet the needs of a wide customer base only adds to its soaring market demand, as evident by the latest 2024 statistics.


A staple for children, college students and working adults – the ever-reliable backpack always has been and still is a popular item. It is never likely to go out of style simply because it is an essential for such a significant margin of society. It is an item that is universal and bought by different consumers. (and the world), the sheer utility and durability of a good backpack is one that is appreciated by every customer – a fact that should be noted and leveraged to maximum effect by any e-commerce marketplace.


A rather simple, yet incredibly sought-after product – headphones and earphones are a constant draw across all e-commerce sites. Whether it’s for listening to music on the go, or for conducting a telephonic meeting without disturbing the people around you, the demand for good earphones is one that is unlikely to ever go down.

Mobile Phones

Of all popular electronics available on e-commerce market places, mobile phones top every other product based on the sheer volume being sold by major sites like Amazon. With the number of mobile users in India eclipsing the total population of the United States, the ease of the online mobile phone market is a significant one that is only likely to grow even further in the years ahead. For online market places looking to make the most of these hot products in India, having a good selection of mobile and smartphones available is a critical building block for a thriving online market place.


If the shoe fits, then why not give it a try? And for online Indian markets, footwear is a glowing representation of this adage. One of the consistently trending products on e-commerce marketplaces, good footwear are made by a variety of stylish and influential brands. This means that stocking a good number of options is bound to attract more customers to any online storefront.

Home Appliances

Be it microwaves, washing machines, vacuum cleaners, food processors and many more – household appliance that makes your home run in perfect order is available on online marketplaces like Basi and Amazon. And thanks to easy purchase and delivery options generating greater interest, home appliances are sure to remain a stable fixture for any list of trending products in 2024.

Sports and Fitness Goods

In recent times, the interest in buying sports goods from online marketplaces has gone up by a significant margin. From a variety of balls, bats, weights and even healthcare supplements, all are available on various e-commerce market places that are looking to provide the means to stay fit and happy to the seekers of healthy living.


Wearable devices have always been a popular choice for customers looking to have access to basic data at a moment’s notice. This is perhaps why smartwatches are likely to remain trending upwards in 2020 and beyond. Therefore, it makes sense for e-commerce marketplaces to invest in good quality and a highly functional selection of smartwatches for their customers to choose from.

Face Shields

With recent global pandemic taking the centre-stage, the need to protect oneself in a simple way becomes much desirable. At the same time, nobody wants to compromise on their desire to look cool and fashionable. This is why stylish face shields and masks are popular online. According to statistics, the demand for these face shields has only grown more since 2019, due to their easy availability and seamless fusion of style and function. So, adding this to your store may be a positive investment.

Online Subscriptions

We surely hope that our list of 15 top trending products for online sale in 2020 has been helpful to you. So make the most of your time and information, formulate a plan and go out there to make your e-commerce business a roaring success.

Home and Kitchen Furnishing

With the home furnishing market projected to cross 40,000 crore by 2020, the overall demand for home décor and kitchenware is set to skyrocket in the years ahead. Due to the rise in interior design innovation and the constant evolution of newer and more splendid furniture designs, the mass interest in these services from an online market place has also risen significantly in a short time.


For parents looking to entertain their young children, the online market has come as a blessing in the form of toys and other games. From board games like Ludo and Monopoly to action figures and battery operated toys, a wide selection of both new and old products are available that allows the e-commerce websites to easily fulfill the fantasy of the little ones.

Get started with your new business today, and grow it with Baso’s help.
Register with Amazon, list your products, and sit back and relax.

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